Total Achievement Group

Achievement/Performance Consultation to Elementary & Secondary Schools,
Universities & 2-year colleges,Community Agencies, and Corporations

About Total Achievement Group

We consult to Schools, Universities and Corporations concerned with diversity issues in the workplace and workplace job performance.

For over a decade I have studied the achievement motivation literature. I have implemented the best of what I learned in my own graduate classes to boost student accomplishment. I am familiar with what factors tend to increase human motivation and what factors stifle it. I’ve looked very closely at the factors that are associated with the underachievement and with high achievement of minorities in school and in the workplace. Additionally, I have consulted on improving workplace diversity. I’ve provided hours of consultation to schools in terms of behavioral programming of students either directly or through clinicians I supervise who provide services in school settings.

Let us help you strengthen your schools effort to boost minority achievement. The literature suggests (cognitive) attribution-changing interventions that promote perception of control over ones own destiny and outcomes.

I understand community consulting and I am experienced at it. I have taught graduate students both the theory and practice of consulting in my Community Psychology Graduate Course for the past ten years. I have provided years of supervision training to supervisors in a hospital setting to help boost the performance of their staff.

Let us design an intervention to boost achievement of your students and boost achievement of the teachers that serve them.

Dr. Jack E. Thomas, Ph.D., HSPP, CEO

About Dr. Jack E. Thomas, Ph.D., HSPP

Dr. Thomas has practiced Clinical Psychology for over 25 years. He earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Indiana University. He completed an internship at Hines Veterans Administration Medical Center in Chicago. He is licensed as a Clinical Psychologist. Additionally, the Indiana Psychology Board has certified him as a Health Service Provider in Psychology (HSPP).

Dr. Thomas is a Medical Advisor to Federal Administrative Law Judges and he is an active approved federal contractor. He has held faculty positions at Indiana University, Ball State University, and for the last 12 years at Martin University.

In addition to teaching graduate courses at Martin, Dr. Thomas provides University based group supervision to students completing the clinical portion of their master’s degree work at external mental health internship sites. He has expertise in a number of areas and he treats children, adolescents, and adults. He is a consultant to others in clinical practice as well.

Contact Total Achievement Group

Dr. Jack E. Thomas, Ph.D., HSPP, CEO

Total Achievement Group
P.O. Box 8772
Bloomington, Indiana 47401-8772
Cell: 812-325-6877
Dr. Jack E. Thomas, Ph.D., HSPP, CEO